80 штук с: Strawberry Panic! (милые юрийные девочки *____*) >>> 14 Naruto >>> 7 Арт в немецкой военной форме >>> 7 Sherlock BBC >>> 5 Misfits >>> 2 остальное - рандомный арт.
Alexander Skarsgård~Stark Sands~James Ransone {22} James McAvoy~Michael Fassbender {14} The Big Bang Theory {9} Anime(Guilty Crown, Natsume, Gintama) {26} Total {71}
20 Once upon a time icons for ROUND 16 @ 20inspirations 10 glee icons + Downton Abbey, Game of thrones, fringe, merlin Never let me go, The Duchess, HP fashion and stock
[20] Adventure Time [73] Bear Nuts [17] Gintama [16] When They Cry [04] Mushishi [41] misc [07] Game of Thrones [06] Hercule Poirot [16] stock & text TOTAL [200]
[12] Marvel ( iron man, black widow, deadpool, spider-man, loki, new mutants) [06] Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy [08] Various ( groom lake, batwoman, johnny boo and the happy apples, ghostbusters, skeleton story)
[001-006] Blackthorn (2011) [007-033] Hell On Wheels (season 1) [034-052] Justified (season 1) [053-103] Sherlock (season 2) [104-105] Carnivale, Robin Williams все тут
Название: random Tvseries (Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, Grimm, Fringe, Ringer, The Walking Dead) Размер: 100*100, по Grimm 120*120 Автор: lazurnaea От автора: скромный автор будет рад комментариям